
Pharmacology Department of Kocaeli University is found at the fourth floor of Kocaeli University Medical Faculty Hospital in Umuttepe campus. It was founded in 1995 and currently, 6 professors and 1 postdoctoral are the permanent staff of the department. Master, doctorate and residency student educations continue as postgraduate academical activity. Up to 2022, 7 doctor of Philosophy in Pharmacology, 4 Residency in Pharmacology and 9 Master of Science in Pharmacology thesis have been completed in the department. Principle research areas include neuropsychopharmacology, cardiovascular pharmacology, urogenital and gastrointestinal pharmacology, endocrine pharmacology and clinical pharmacology. In the laboratories in-vitro isolated organ bath systems, organ perfusion equipment, behavioural experiment apparatus, HPLC (high pressure liquid chromatography), FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometer) and moleculer systems are available. Researches are supported by Kocaeli University Scientific Investigations Coordination Unit and TUBITAK (Turkish Scientific Investigations Coordination Unit).

Aim of the pharmacology education is to supply the students with skills & experience in various laboratory techniques & to be competent to carry out original research projects independently and thus comprehending the importance of learning during lifetime & being well, honest & coherent. Pre-graduate teaching programs are also carried out in the department. Rational Pharmacotherapy Teaching program based on Groningen/WHO model for medical students is started in the department as an independent clerkship in 2007. Pharmacology lessons are given to medical students, dentistry students, nursery and midwifery students every year. Also anaesthesia, urgency-first aid and podology programs pharmacology lessons are given to students.

Research equipments:

In-vitro isolated organ bath systems, Computerized data record system, Stimulators


In vivo blood pressure measuring apparatus

Locomotor activity cage

Rotarod Test

Elevated Plus Maze

Hot plate

Tail Flick

Passive Avoidance apparatus

Forced Swimming Cylinders

Unpredictable Chronic Mild Stress model

Novel Object recognition test

Social Transmission of Food Preference test

Alcohol and Nicotine Dependence Model

Three Panel Runway apparatus

Morris Water Maze

Ethovision System

Fear conditioning apparatus

Startle reflex apparatus

Open field



Sayfa Başı


Academic Staff:

Professor.Dr. Faruk ERDEN  (Head of the Department)

Professor.Dr. Tijen UTKAN

Professor.Dr. Fürüzan YILDIZ AKAR

Professor.Dr. Feride İpek KOMSUOĞLU ÇELİKYURT

Professor.Dr. Oğuz MUTLU

Professor.Dr. Semil Selcen GÖÇMEZ

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